Monday, May 20, 2013
10 Stupid Ways to Break Bad Habits
Have a laugh about unusual and funny ways to break some typical bad habits, you can get some ideas by having a look at this post clicking on this link: 10 stupid ways to break bad habits
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Expression "finger on the pulse"
Listen to Feifei and Finn. They are at the cinema and she asks him about who the actors in the movie are. Finn answers that he has his finger on the pulse. Is he nervous about something? Find out by clicking on the following link: bbc- finger on the pulse audio

Does the phrase 'finger on the pulse' have anything to do with health?
Then, you can read the transcript to see if you understood everything:
Does the phrase 'finger on the pulse' have anything to do with health?
Then, you can read the transcript to see if you understood everything:
The script for this programme
(Finn and Feifei are in the cinema; the film is about to start)
Finn: Hi, I'm Finn. This is The English We Speak. And this is Feifei.
Feifei: Hi. I hope you can hear me. This cinema is very crowded! I've never heard of this movie... and who are these actors, Finn?!
Finn: Well, Feifei, when it comes to the best new actors, I have my finger on the pulse.
Feifei: Finger on the pulse? Oh, don't do that here, Finn. You mean you touch the wrists of all these film actors? Where is your British reserve?!
Finn: No. I am not going to touch anybody's pulse or wrists and my fingers are here, in my popcorn. In English, 'to have your finger on the pulse' means: to be familiar with the latest trends and developments.
Feifei: Ahhhh, that's a relief.
Finn: You might hear the expression 'to have your finger on the pulse' or 'to keep your finger on the pulse'. Let's hear some examples.
Finn: Hi, I'm Finn. This is The English We Speak. And this is Feifei.
Feifei: Hi. I hope you can hear me. This cinema is very crowded! I've never heard of this movie... and who are these actors, Finn?!
Finn: Well, Feifei, when it comes to the best new actors, I have my finger on the pulse.
Feifei: Finger on the pulse? Oh, don't do that here, Finn. You mean you touch the wrists of all these film actors? Where is your British reserve?!
Finn: No. I am not going to touch anybody's pulse or wrists and my fingers are here, in my popcorn. In English, 'to have your finger on the pulse' means: to be familiar with the latest trends and developments.
Feifei: Ahhhh, that's a relief.
Finn: You might hear the expression 'to have your finger on the pulse' or 'to keep your finger on the pulse'. Let's hear some examples.
- You have to keep your finger on the pulse of consumer trends if you want to succeed in business.
- How do I manage to dress so well all the time? I buy this fashion magazine every week because it really has its finger on the pulse.
Feifei: Ah I see. So this expression is about keeping up-to-date with trends.
Finn: Yes it is.
Feifei: Finn, I've been looking at the poster of the film while we wait for the door to open and... this film...
Finn: 'The City That Never Sleeps'. Yes?
Feifei: There is a picture of a zombie on the poster... and... what is that in the corner? A dead woman! Is it a horror movie, Finn?!
Finn: Yes it is.
Feifei: Finn, I've been looking at the poster of the film while we wait for the door to open and... this film...
Finn: 'The City That Never Sleeps'. Yes?
Feifei: There is a picture of a zombie on the poster... and... what is that in the corner? A dead woman! Is it a horror movie, Finn?!
Finn: Calm down. It is a great movie. Full of blood and suspense. It will be a thrill!
Feifei: Oh. I don't like that, Finn! I really don't like that! I get really upset when I watch this sort of movie. My heart races... here, put your actual finger on my actual pulse... Here.
Finn: Oh, OK, OK, sorry Feifei. Your heart is beating very fast. I didn't know you had a problem with horror movies. Let's go and watch a musical then.
Feifei: 'The Sound of Music'?
Finn: Go on then!
Feifei: That's much nicer! Bye.
Finn: Bye.
Both: (Singing) Doe, a deer, a female deer. Ray, a drop of golden sun...
Feifei: Oh. I don't like that, Finn! I really don't like that! I get really upset when I watch this sort of movie. My heart races... here, put your actual finger on my actual pulse... Here.
Finn: Oh, OK, OK, sorry Feifei. Your heart is beating very fast. I didn't know you had a problem with horror movies. Let's go and watch a musical then.
Feifei: 'The Sound of Music'?
Finn: Go on then!
Feifei: That's much nicer! Bye.
Finn: Bye.
Both: (Singing) Doe, a deer, a female deer. Ray, a drop of golden sun...
Monday, April 15, 2013
Monday, April 8, 2013
Monday, March 25, 2013
'English' words invented by Spanish
Let's have a look at how people in Spain are taking English words, changing their meanings and using them in a way that would have Shakespeare turning in his grave.
To say 'hacer footing' for jogging is just one the weird 'English' words the Spanish have coined.
Ever been asked by a Spanish friend to 'go footing'?
Has someone called you a 'friki'?
If so, then you've been the victim of a growing trend.
People in Spain are increasingly using words that are not Spanish, but which are not quite English either.
The words sound thoroughly familiar, yet very strange at the same time.
In this list, The Local Spain gives you the lowdown on how Spanish people are reinventing English for their own needs.
Find out how Spanish speakers are adding English-sounding words to their slang, by clicking this link
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Expression: 'to cut the mustard'
It's a sad day for Feifei as she just lost a cooking contest, and Finn tries to cheer her up by saying that sometimes we've got to accept that we just can't cut the mustard. Did Feifei miss out an ingredient?
Click on this link to listen: bbc - cut the mustard audio
Feifei is sad because she just lost a cooking contest.
The script for this audio
Finn: Hi, I'm Finn. And this is The English We Speak. And this is Feifei. A very sad-looking Feifei, by the way.
Feifei: Sorry, Finn. But I feel a bit of a failure today. I took part in a cooking contest where my grandmother and my mother were champions and I lost!
Finn: I sympathise with you more than you know. My grandfather and my father were the best fishermen ever, and when I go fishing all I catch is a cold.
Feifei: I just can't understand why I didn't win this weekend. My pie was tasty, my cake looked appetising…
Finn: (Trying to make her feel better) Sometimes Feifei we've got to accept that we just can't cut the mustard.
Feifei: (Angry) What!? Are you saying that I can't cut the mustard?! I can cut the mustard, and the cheese, I can beat the eggs, sieve the flour…
Finn: Calm down dear, this has nothing to do with your cooking skills. In English, when you say someone or something 'can't cut the mustard' you mean that it's not good enough.
Feifei: (Calming down a bit) So you're not doubting my cooking abilities.
Finn: I wouldn't dare. So, we can say 'can't cut the mustard', and 'don't' or 'doesn't cut the mustard'. Listen out for some examples of how to use this expression.
Feifei: Sorry, Finn. But I feel a bit of a failure today. I took part in a cooking contest where my grandmother and my mother were champions and I lost!
Finn: I sympathise with you more than you know. My grandfather and my father were the best fishermen ever, and when I go fishing all I catch is a cold.
Feifei: I just can't understand why I didn't win this weekend. My pie was tasty, my cake looked appetising…
Finn: (Trying to make her feel better) Sometimes Feifei we've got to accept that we just can't cut the mustard.
Feifei: (Angry) What!? Are you saying that I can't cut the mustard?! I can cut the mustard, and the cheese, I can beat the eggs, sieve the flour…
Finn: Calm down dear, this has nothing to do with your cooking skills. In English, when you say someone or something 'can't cut the mustard' you mean that it's not good enough.
Feifei: (Calming down a bit) So you're not doubting my cooking abilities.
Finn: I wouldn't dare. So, we can say 'can't cut the mustard', and 'don't' or 'doesn't cut the mustard'. Listen out for some examples of how to use this expression.
- I know the borough of Milton Keynes well. It's a charming place... but it doesn't cut the mustard where tourism is concerned.
- I won't study architecture. I am bad at drawing. I just can't cut the mustard.
Feifei: Now I get it. It means you can't meet the expectations. This is a very odd expression.
Finn: There is some controversy about its origins. Some say it is because 'mustard' used to be slang for something that was the real thing, or the genuine article. Others believe it has to do with the fact that mustard seeds are hard to crack.
Feifei: It sounds like an old expression.
Finn: It is and it seems to be very popular especially in America. Here in Britain you might hear a shorter version like 'he can't cut it'.
Feifei: Oh, I've learnt a lot today. And now, to prove to you that I can cut it – the mustard, the cheese and the pie, I am inviting you to have lunch in my house this weekend.
Finn: And what is on the menu?
Feifei: (Proud and confident) You mentioned fishing so I'll offer you my very own special fish dish: tuna and chocolate pie!
Finn: Tuna and chocolate pie?! (Inventing an excuse, a bit desperate) Sorry, I think I won't be able to make it this weekend. I've got to go… fishing. Bye.
Feifei: Another time, then. Bye.
Finn: There is some controversy about its origins. Some say it is because 'mustard' used to be slang for something that was the real thing, or the genuine article. Others believe it has to do with the fact that mustard seeds are hard to crack.
Feifei: It sounds like an old expression.
Finn: It is and it seems to be very popular especially in America. Here in Britain you might hear a shorter version like 'he can't cut it'.
Feifei: Oh, I've learnt a lot today. And now, to prove to you that I can cut it – the mustard, the cheese and the pie, I am inviting you to have lunch in my house this weekend.
Finn: And what is on the menu?
Feifei: (Proud and confident) You mentioned fishing so I'll offer you my very own special fish dish: tuna and chocolate pie!
Finn: Tuna and chocolate pie?! (Inventing an excuse, a bit desperate) Sorry, I think I won't be able to make it this weekend. I've got to go… fishing. Bye.
Feifei: Another time, then. Bye.
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